Data is the fuel for digital marketing, but you need to be careful with where you store your company’s customer data. We idolise technology and build our companies around it, but often times we can’t see what’s happening behind the scenes in terms of data security.
Take a look at this article on how the risks of outsourcing to a government-run Prime Data Centre in India.
security concerns brought up by associated agencies, corruption in the market; and how companies sidestep these issues by choosing an alternative!
An regulatory body put out a report in February indicating that Indian companies are the most targeted by cybercriminals in the world, with data loss and cyberattack costs reaching $6.5 billion last year.
Aside from tremendous financial damage, cyberattacks have a ripple effect on businesses and can cause irreparable harm to reputations. In case your business is not up to par with protecting its data, here are some tips on safe storing data in India such as:-
encryption, pseudonymizing user data, appointing an emergency contact, developing a privacy policy, and training employees on information security.
If your company is facing any cyberthreats or data breaches in India, be sure to invest in cybersecurity protocols and protections, as well as training for employees.
Additionally, make use of available technologies like encryption and pseudonymization to keep your data safe.
GDPR stands for General Data Protection Regulation. It is a new EU data protection regulation that came into effect on May 25, 2018. The GDPR replaces the 1995 EU Data Protection Directive.
If you operate in Europe, it is important that you are aware of the GDPR and take steps to comply with its requirements.
When you globalize your business operations, you are likely transferring sensitive data to India, one of the world’s fastest-growing economies. Years of rapid economic growth have led to increased cybercrime activity in India.
Diversity is an important part of a company’s culture, but some employees may not know as much about it as they should. Here are three steps your company can take to make sure everyone is aware and comfortable with diversity:
Many people think of diversity as simply including different cultural backgrounds, races, genders, etc. But there’s more to it than that. To be truly diverse, an organization must embrace all types of differences –
intellectual, emotional, physical, etc. – and let everyone in the company have a voice.
That means teaching your employees what diversity really means so they can better understand why it’s important and how to promote it within the company.
Many companies select which initiatives to promote based on which areas they deem to be most important or necessary for their business. However, many times these initiatives fall short because they’re not inclusive enough.
Giving employees a seat at the table allows them to help shape the direction of the program and ensure that it’s relevant to their personal beliefs and experiences. In this way, all employees become more invested in promoting diversity and helping make the workplace more tolerant.
companies around the world are scrambling to ensure their data is safe from potential GDPR violations. Understanding what your company needs to do to comply can seem overwhelming, but by following some simple guidelines you can make sure your data is adequately protected.
One of the most important things you can do is create a privacy policy that is clear and concise. Make sure all employees are aware of the policy and know their responsibilities in regards to safeguarding the data. You should also implement strict measures for data retention and destruction, as well as strict Cyber Security protocols.
When it comes to processing personal data, you need to be aware of the different laws in different countries. For example, under GDPR in the European Union, personal data must be processed only with consent or where there is a legitimate interest in doing so. In India, however, any processing of personal data without explicit consent is considered an illegal act under the India Personal Data Protection Act (PPDPA). Accordingly, it’s important to assess whether any of your processes fall under one or both of these definitions and make necessary changes before proceeding.
Before you even start gathering data, you’ll need to determine which specific requirements apply to your company. This includes understanding which data is necessary for business operations and deciding which third-party partners must be contacted. You should also identify any special protections that apply to certain categories of data.